Last weekend, I saw a video posted by Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, who is a board certified medical doctor in Brooklyn, New York. He was in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for 9 days, and he described his experience in which he observed that patients in ICU were suffering from some kind of "altitude sickness" after being put on mechanical ventilation.
Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, after being placed in ICU for 9 days described his patients as suffering from a kind of "altitude sickness" after being put on mechanical ventilation.
What Dr. Kyle-Sidell is describing seems to be consistent with hypercapnia, which I wrote about in my previous article. Hypercapnia is a condition that is a serious side effect of mechanical ventilation as it puts an excess of carbon dioxide into the bloodstream and creates C02 toxicity. This toxicity resembles altitude sickness, and what scuba divers often get called “the bends”.

A common side effect of mechanical ventilation is hypercapnia, a condition in which too much carbon dioxide is present in the bloodstream and can resemble altitude sickness or "the bends" in scuba diving.
Typically the treatment for hypercapnia is hyperbaric oxygen therapy to disperse the carbon dioxide from the bloodstream. However, since hyperbaric oxygen therapy chambers are expensive and most medical institutions in the United States, Europe and Asia do not have them, another alternative could be the addition of hydrogen to medical gas. Hydrogen would effectively disperse C02 and would prevent a buildup of it in the bloodstream.
Dr. Kyle-Sidell did not agree with the protocol in the ICU unit in the hospital he was at for utilising mechanical ventilators, and resigned as a consequence, and now back in the Emergency Room (ER) according to reports. One of the problematic features of widespread medical treatment is the lack of responsiveness when a doctor makes an observation that goes against the grain of conventional treatment. However, what Dr. Kyle-Sidell did was a brave and honourable thing by publicly questioning conventional practices and by posting his observations online, we can fully understand the situation that might be possibly going on in current hospitals, not only in Brooklyn, but around the world.
Hypercapnia is a serious side effect that medical professionals should be made aware of if they are to put patients on mechanical ventilators. The solution of adding hydrogen to medical gas would most likely completely alleviate the potential side effects. In fact, previous research studies have drawn the conclusion that inhaling hydrogen gas stops ventilator related-lung injury.
In-situ vaccinations are different from regular vaccinations. In-situ vaccinations are usually given after an infection has already taken place, and the vaccination occurs in vivo. In other words, after an infection, the in-situ vaccination targets the infection area and creates the cure through the body’s own immune system mechanisms. Typically in-situ vaccinations have been utilised in cancer treatments, but for the current pandemic, lactic acid bacteria as an in-situ vaccination could potentially have great therapeutic effects.
As I have previously written, lactic acid bacteria has been utilised by Korean researchers on more severe coronaviruses than COVID-19 rather successfully.
Bacteria is relatively cheaper and easier to manufacture than repurposing old anti-malaria drugs (e.g., hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine) that are a) catching dust b) distributors looking to benefit from the pandemic by using old drugs for a profit-motive and c) cause harmful side effects, such as multi-organ damage.
“Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are reported to be ideal candidates as live delivery vehicles for releasing therapeutic and prophylactic molecules directly at the oral, nasal, and genital mucosae and to be a realistic option for the treatment of human and animal diseases (Cano-Garrido et al., 2015; Piñero-Lambea et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2016). The safety status of the LAB, the ability of some strains to survive passage through the GIT (Vesa et al., 2000), and the capacity of some species (e.g., L. rhamnosus , Bifidobacterium animalis, and Lactobacillus plantarum) to remain viable in the GIT for a period of time render food-grade LAB ideal vehicles for delivering and even producing therapeutic molecules in situ at the GIT mucosa (Daniel et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2016). The absence of lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) in their cell walls (which is not the case in Gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli ) is a further advantage, allowing them to be administered orally without the risk of endotoxic shock (Szatraj et al., 2017). In addition, the oral administration of therapeutic molecules via live recombinant LAB is a suitable alternative to invasive administration methods, for example, parenteral or subcutaneous injection, avoiding their potential side effects. Further, it circumvents the degradation of orally administered naked molecules in the digestive tract and ensures the production of the therapeutic protein at the GIT mucosa (Wang et al., 2016). Moreover, the in vivo synthesis of the therapeutic molecule reduces the dose required when compared to systemic or subcutaneous treatment (Steidler et al., 2000; Cano-Garrido et al., 2015).”
Nasally administered in-situ vaccination of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) would be ideal in cases of the current coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic in which the areas of the lung and gastrointestinal tract are implicated.
It would also be cost-effective to produce, manufacture and distribute without any harmful side effects.
It was said during the SARS epidemic of 2002-2004 that China was able to suppress the advent of the epidemic via their treatment from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). For those who are not aware, Traditional Chinese Medicine is a practice that goes back over 10,000+ years, in which ingredients found in nature have been documented and observed to have certain effects on disease states.
During the SARS/ MERS epidemic, a treatment was used called Lian Hua Qing Wen which was given in a capsule.
Lian Hua Qing Wen consists of:
Forsythia suspensa, Ephedra sinica, Lonicera japonica, Isatis indigotica, Mentha haplocalyx, Dryopteris crassirhizoma, Rhodiola rosea, Gypsum Fibrosum, Pogostemon cablin, Rheum palmatum , Houttuynia cordata, Glycyrrhizae, uralensis, and Armeniaca sibirica
Mentha haplocalyx is part of the same mint family as peppermint, with similar therapeutic effects as an anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, etc.
Due to its ability to inhibit coronaviruses, it was the first new drug variety approved by China's National Drug Administration's rapid drug approval channel during SARS. It is also the first traditional Chinese medicine for China to enter FDA clinical research in the United States to treat influenza and China even provided 100K boxes of Lian Hua Qing Wen to hard-hit Italy.
The 2011 film Contagion (dir: Steven Soderbergh) has resurfaced in popularity due to its similarities to the current pandemic.
In recent weeks, much has been spoken about the resurgence of a Hollywood film from 2011 called Contagion, which appears to follow a similar historical narrative to current times. In the film, an investigative reporter (Jude Law) discovers that a herbal remedy called forsythia was able to cure the pandemic, but which had not been widely mentioned in the commercial media.
Strangely enough, forsythia suspensa is one of the ingredients in Lian Hua Qing Wen. Forsythia suspensa is noted to have these effects:
“Forsythia is a plant. The fruit is used for medicine.
Forsythia is used for swelling of small air passages in the lung (bronchiolitis), tonsillitis, sore throat, fever, vomiting, heart disease, HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, pain and swelling (inflammation), and a severe skin rash with fever and vomiting caused by a bacterium (erysipelas).
Sometimes forsythia is given intravenously (by IV) in combination with other herbs for treating bronchiolitis.”
When Contagion had been written and produced it was said to be largely based on the SARS epidemic. However, much of the researched content also appears to have a similarity to current times, including the concepts of “social distancing” and shutdown of schools and universities and non-essential businesses. Whether that is coincidental or intentional remains to be seen.
It was reported recently that Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of the UK was moved into intensive care within the last few days. Some of Mr. Johnson's highlights in the first few months of office were:
- Reverse fracking in all of the UK (i.e., which was a great win for environmentalists considering the millions of £ that fracking lobbyists had spent to lift restrictions) Mr. Johnson said before his election that he would protect the environment and he seemed true to his word, however, it also appeared that this new ban has a loophole.
- No Deal Brexit. This was highly controversial and most likely angered a lot of big businesses, especially financial institutions and car manufacturers and many others who asked for a longer transition period but Mr. Johnson was resolute in his plans.
- “Herd Immunity Campaign”: Much of the global world’s businesses had been shut down towards lockdown due to pressures from the pharmaceutical industry lobbyists who would like to eventually implement a future mandatory vaccination and digital biometrics ID campaign. However, Mr. Johnson and his advisers were not a fan of the shutdown during a crucial time of Brexit and did not want to respond as other nations in the EU who had reverted to a Draconian state or martial law. In the beginning, he had adopted Sweden and South Korea’s method of leaving businesses open as part of “herd immunity”. However, in recent weeks, Mr. Johnson eventually backed down and implemented a lockdown of the UK, similar to other parts of the EU along with NY and CA in the United States.
Would the herd immunity plan have worked? Currently, South Korea has not shut down any businesses and they have fallen in rising COVID-19 cases and China will be soon going back to business as usual, but it could be due to both these nations’ treatment of the disease and not merely their diagnostics that is different from Europe and the United States. According to anecdotal information, South Korea initially utilises a) intravenous vitamin C in their COVID-19 cases then a combination treatment with oxygen therapy that is not mechanical ventilation. It is uncertain whether this information is accurate or not or representative of all treatment cases in South Korea, however, China has reported that they will utilise a combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in conjunction with commercial pharmaceuticals to treat the disease. The NHS team that is currently treating the UK Prime Minister for COVID-19 should consider the following alternative treatments, some of which have been successful in other nations:
- Vitamin C (intravenous: initial treatment, South Korea)
- Lian Hua Qing Wen (oral: China)
- Lactic acid bacteria (nasal, oral, genital) as possibly an in-situ vaccination for direct release into the lungs nasally (previous research studies incorporated injections into pig populations: South Korea)
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) (US and UK in previous studies of aspiration failure in animals)
- Medical gases with the addition of hydrogen, to prevent hyperapnia (case studies in Japan of patients who benefited from the addition of hydrogen)
All in all, implementing a traditional global vaccination programme might be long, arduous and extensive that might take millions, if not billions of dollars in research, in addition to the extended time it takes to produce such a successful vaccine. Another point to consider is that there is something referred to as “vaccine enhancement” in which could make the disease states worse for a vaccinated person:
“Studies have suggested that coronavirus vaccines carry the risk of what is known as vaccine enhancement, where instead of protecting against infection, the vaccine can actually make the disease worse when a vaccinated person is infected with the virus. The mechanism that causes that risk is not fully understood and is one of the stumbling blocks that has prevented the successful development of a coronavirus vaccine.”
An alternative to traditional vaccines is in-situ vaccinations potentially utilising lactic acid bacteria (LAB) through nasal administration targeting the specfic areas of infection which could become manufactured and implemented immediately; this would be cost-effective for global nations, in addition to lifting lockdown procedures and life would resume normally without fear of breaking govt regulations in social distancing and closing of non-essential businesses.
Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. If you feel sick, contact your local health professional. It is a part of lifelong learning to discuss ideas, examine research and engage in dialogue that can produce new theories in fast-moving sectors such as epigenetics, medicine, microbiology and virology. The only intention of this article is to begin a dialogue in order to re-examine old assumptions via discussion of ideas in a respectful way.